STM32F413 vs. STM32F469 - Comparison of Two Microcontrollers with USB Type-C Capability

August 12, 2021


As technology is evolving, so are microcontrollers. In recent years, microcontrollers with USB Type-C capability have become essential in electronic devices. They provide faster data transfer and power delivery, making them highly desirable for developers. Today, we will compare two of the most prominent microcontrollers with USB Type-C capability by STMicroelectronics - the STM32F413 and STM32F469.


The STM32F413 microcontroller is part of the STM32F4 series and is built on the Arm Cortex-M4 core, providing a clock frequency of up to 100 MHz. It offers multiple communication interfaces such as USB 2.0 FS, USB Type-C, USART, SPI, and I2C, making it ideal for applications requiring high-performance computation, low power consumption, and advanced connectivity.


The STM32F469 is also part of the STM32F4 series and is built on the Arm Cortex-M4 core, with a clock frequency of up to 180 MHz. It has similar communication interfaces to the STM32F413 but comes with a few additional ones such as HDMI CEC and SPDIF-Rx. Its advanced features make it suitable for high-end applications requiring embedded graphics, advanced connectivity, and high-performance computation.


Now, we will compare the two microcontrollers in terms of performance, connectivity, and power consumption.


In terms of performance, the STM32F469 has a clear advantage with a maximum clock frequency of 180 MHz, compared to the STM32F413's 100 MHz. This higher clock frequency allows the STM32F469 to perform more demanding applications faster.

Microcontroller Clock Speed
STM32F413 Up to 100 MHz
STM32F469 Up to 180 MHz


In terms of connectivity, both microcontrollers offer similar communication interfaces, including USB Type-C, USB 2.0 FS, USART, SPI, and I2C. However, the STM32F469 has additional interfaces such as HDMI CEC and SPDIF-Rx, giving it an edge over the STM32F413 for high-end applications.

Microcontroller Communication Interfaces
STM32F413 USB 2.0 FS, USB Type-C, USART, SPI, and I2C

Power Consumption

Both microcontrollers have an ultra-low power consumption mode, but the STM32F469 again has an advantage due to its more advanced power-saving features such as voltage scaling and low-power timers.

Microcontroller Ultra-low power consumption mode
STM32F413 Yes
STM32F469 Yes, with voltage scaling and low-power timers


In conclusion, the decision between STM32F413 and STM32F469 depends on the requirements of the application. While the STM32F469 offers higher performance and more connectivity options, the STM32F413 is a better fit if power consumption is a consideration.

We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision. Do let us know your thoughts.


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